Friday, June 24, 2011

June Meeting Summary

June 22, 2011 Meeting
Hosted by Susan Mathis, Woodbury
Susan, Gil, Julie and Nancy shared photos from various travels.
Food, drink and company was pleasant. Walter the friendly feline, as well as Micah's little dog were also good company.
Status of Haiti Project -
All 24 squares are in and ready to hang temporarily at the Edina Art Center Show.
If not done already, in the event that tiles may loosen and be lost in transit to Haiti, please provide extra tessarae in a labeled bag (name and specific square) to Mosaic-on-a-Stick.
The pediatric clinic is expected to be done this fall, ready for the mosaic quilt installation next winter. Susan and Lori (and perhaps Connie Cohen) will install. Others welcome to make the trip.
The clinic project sponsor, "No Time for Poverty", is hosting a thankyou party for volunteers this Saturday. Hope you RSVP'd to go.
Edina Arts Center Show -
Your contract with the Edina Arts Center was due on June 6 for entry in the show.
Drop off artwork Tuesday, June 28, 11AM-7PM, unwrapped and ready to hang, with name, title and price on back.
Guild volunteers have been recruited to check in (Tuesday) and hang work (Wednesday).
Because of the strong response to this show, There may not be room to show all work, but every Guild member will be represented.
Reception Thursday, June 30, 5-8:00 PM. Guild volunteers are bringing some food and resfreshments. No alcohol allowed as it is a public building.
Edina Magazine staff are expected to be on hand for pictures, etc.
Susan Mathis will also take photos.
Art pickup August 4, 9AM-7PM
Garden Tour -
The tour to Riana's Garden is on for July 23rd. 20 people are signed up to date. Plans are to meet at the park-and-ride just off I-94 and Hwy. 95. Directions - Take the Stillwater exit off I-94 and head toward Stillwater. The park-and-ride is on the right just after you go under the I-94 bridge.
Susan will post details again before the event.
Still time for others to sign up; the more, the merrier.
September Meeting at Mosaic-on-a-Stick -
September 14 meeting tentatively includes hanging the fall members show. Bring your work that night following this year's theme, "Animals and Nature". There will be a "Members Choice" award of a $50 gift certificate for Mosaic-on-a-Stick.
This meeting is designed as primarily a social event, but if someone has a topic, please offer to present.
Pot luck that night. Alcohol acceptable/welcome.
A public reception will be planned later in the fall.
Tile Festival this fall -
We have paid to participate this year.
Location changed for this year to the Global Market - the old Sears building on East Lake Street and 10th Avenue South, Mpls.
Danette Polglase will be posting details (dates and times) and recruiting volunteers.
Public Mosaic of Minnesota site -
Julie Reeve suggested that it would be nice to somehow catalog locations of public mosaic art in Minnesota. Julie and other MMG members will continue to explore.
November 9th Meeting -
This is our annual planning meeting for 2012.
Location, Jo Shaddy's home, Eden Prairie
More details as we approach the date.
December 14 Holiday Party -
Being hosted by Trudy Vrchota in Eden Prairie
More details as we approach the date.
2012 Annual Members show, summer-
We have a commitment from the 3Ten Gallery in Stillwater (on Main St.) for a member's show next June/July. Reception date will coincide with a quarterly art crawl in Stillwater.
Always more to come.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Postcards for Edina Show

Evidently, we are running out of postcard for the Edina Arts Center Show. Please bring any excess cards to the June 22 meeting at Susan Mathis' house for redistribution.

Also utilize the electronic card as much as possible when sending out notices.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June Guild Meeting

June 22, 6:00-9:30
Susan Mathis' home
3670 Village Court
Woodbury, MN
Directions: East on I-94 out of St. Paul; South (right) on Co. Rd. 19 for 3 miles; West (right) on Lake Road less than 1/2 mile; Left at Wedgewood Drive less than 1/2 mile; Left at Village Court. Susan's home is on the right.
6:00 Social Time - Note early start to more completely enjoy Susan's Garden
Appetizers, drinks and misc refreshments (may want to skip dinner)
7:00 Agenda
Haiti Project - Party on June 25
Mosaic Garden tour - Riana's Garden - Beldenville, Wisconsin
Edina Art Center Show - update, reminders
September Meeting on the 14th, Mosaic-on-a-Stick - Bring you work for our annual Fall Members Show.
7:15-9:30 Travel Night Program - Mosaic photos from our travels. Everyone welcome to bring photos in any form. Susan has a multimedia projector to handle flash drives and hooking up laptops. I'm bringing old-fashined prints from a Spain trip.